Three letter types for Ghent University.
Use as standard the font ‘UGent Panno Text’.
This font does justice to the historical values of Ghent University and is simultaneously modern, distinctive and charismatic.
The character set of the font was specially expanded for Ghent University for virtually all languages and scientific symbols.
This is not a free font. You can only use it for Ghent University purposes. Ghent University has a licence for the use of the font in 4 versions: SemiLight, Normal, Medium and SemiBold.
DICT installs the font automatically on staff PCs. This way every employee can get started easily.
External designers and developers can request the font for Ghent University purposes via personnel of Ghent University. Employees can also individually download, install and send the font (in open type, true type and web font) via the intranet:
When the primary font is not available, use the secondary font Arial. Do this for everything that is digitally shared with computers outside of Ghent University.
For example, we always use Arial in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint templates, because they are frequently distributed outside Ghent University. Only use the primary font UGent Panno Text only when you export these files into pdf or when you print them out (for example the letter), otherwise use the secondary font Arial when you digitally send the original files in Word or Powerpoint to others.
The primary font UGent Panno Text does not work in e-mail software (Outlook, gmail ...). That is why our e-mail signature and e-newsletter are programmed in Arial.
Titles and heads are written and underlined in capitals. This is a recognizable part of the corporate design. In the templates the titles and headings are pre-programmed in this way.
The Global Campus uses the Korean free font ‘Seoul Namsan'. This nicely matches the primary font.
The font was developed for Seoul's city marketing. The characters of this font are clear and elegant like the curves of traditional Korean Hanok houses.
Install both the Seoul Type (normal) and the Seoul Type (condensed).