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4. Event

Templates to dress your event in Ghent University corporate design.

4.1 Invitation

Send as many online invitations (durable, modern):


Get inspired for the design of your poster and flyer at the section print.

Still want to send a paper invitation? Mind the choice of paper

4.2 Signage


Use this Word template to create name tags for visitors and speakers.

The sizes are the same as the sheets in the Ghent University webshop: A4 blank (unprinted) sheets with tears with 10 badges of each 5,5 x 9 cm.



  1. Use a computer on which the font 'UGent Panno Text' has been installed.
  2. Insert all names from your data file. See instructions on Microsoft Office Support

    • Choose ‘Mailings' > ‘Select Recipients’ > ‘Use an Existing List'

    • Replace the instruction text ‘Title’, ‘First name’, 'Surname' by the fields from your data file.

    • Replace ‘Function’ by maximum 3 lines of text.

    • The logo and faculty icon will appear on every badge.

  3. Print in colour.

  4. Rip the badges via the tears and put them in the badge holders.


Example finished badge (lanyard)
Example A4 sheet with 10 badges (event faculty EA)



Use signals at your event to guide the visitors in the right direction. This template contains the Ghent University logo and our pictograms.



  1. Use a computer on which the font 'UGent Panno Text' has been installed.
  2. Double blick in the blue field. Fill in the name of your event and optionally of the room.
  3. Add logo(s) of partner(s) in the whitespace at the bottom of the page if needed.
  4. Print out the pages you need in colour at actual size (100%) and hang or pin them.

You can also digitally show the way to your event. Create a route on SoleWay and replace the QR code on page 4 by the QR code of your indoor navigation route.

example signal to the left


Cards 'reserved place'

Use this template to print out cards if you need to reserve places for special guests.



  1. Use a computer on which the font 'UGent Panno Text' has been installed.
  2. The pages are in a different layout. Scroll down until you find your own faculty.
  3. Fill in the names directly into Word or use a label (3,5 x 7 cm). The text 'reserved' is also adaptable.
  4. Print out the cards and cut them on the intersecting lines.
example reserved place for the dean of faculty Economics and Business Administration


4.3 Booth and promotional material

Promotional material


Scientific poster


Roll-up, banners and flags

Within Ghent University you can request:


Print your own design? The department of Communication and Marketing can assist you with the graphic design of roll-up banners and flags. The production costs are at your own expense.

Ask your promotion material 3 weeks in advance via

  • Preferable size: standard 80 x 205 cm or bigger?
  • Language: English / Dutch?
  • Logo's: Ghent University + Faculty of ...?
  • Content: title, subtitle, website?
  • Contact information for delivery and billing


Roll-up banners faculties (with Ghent University logo and faculty icon)
Banner Welcome Days
Roll-up banner International Relations Office
Roll-up banner International Relations Office


4.4 Tips for organization

Tips for organizing or spreading news about your activity:

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